FCZ-KT(R) like the earlier version of the inventory is designed to diagnose basic, biologically conditioned dimensions of temperament which, according to Regulative Theory of Temperament, is one of the components of personality. It focuses on the formal and not substantive aspect of behaviour. It consists of 100 items to which the respondent refers using a scale of 1 through 4.
FCZ-KT(R) includes 7 scales, of which 6 are parallel to the earlier version, although minor changes are introduced into their content: Briskness, Perseverance, Sensory sensitivity, Endurance, Emotional reactivity, Activity, and the seventh is a completely new one: Rhythmicity.
The FCZ-KT(R) version in Ukrainian is available as part of the online examination package on the Epsilon platform. Details in the tab: Epsilon version.
- Complete set (manual, sheets and keys)
- Manual
- Test sheets (25 copies)
- Keys
The questionnaire will be applied in both scientific and application-oriented research – it can be used in counselling, recruitment and clinical research.
FCZ-KT(R) allows for a highly reliable measurement – in terms of internal consistency and temporal stability.
In the validation research NEO-FFI, PEN and PTS questionnaires were used to estimate correlations with other dimensions of temperament/personality. In addition, theoretical validity of the tool was verified during normalization and further validation researches by correlating FCZ-KT(R) with other tools used to examine cognitive characteristics such as attention and perceptiveness (TUS), emotional intelligence (TIE) and fluid intelligence (CFT).
Stanine norms; tables of norms for general population, separate tables for men and women, separate tables for the following age groups (15–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60 and more) and separate tables for men and women in the age groups.
The test is also available as an online examination on the Epsilon Platform and as an option for entering and calculating scores from the paper-and-pencil version on the Epsilon Platform.
The FCZ-KT(R) version in Ukrainian is available as part of the online examination package on the Epsilon platform. The examination in this language is available only by means of the Epsilon platform (after the FCZ-KT(R) examination license or the customer wallet is purchased). For this language version there is no scores entering option available. The selection of language version is done at the moment of ordering examination. ATTENTION! The Ukrainian version of the FCZ-KT(R) uses Polish norms and Polish interpretations referring to these norms. The purpose of creating the Ukrainian version is to allow Polish psychologists to examine Ukrainian citizens residing in Poland. Such examinees will work in conditions and circumstances typical for Poland and so their scores should be comparable with those of Polish citizens. That is why in this particular situation scores should be referred to Polish norms and a test report is designed for a Polish psychologist.
Uprawnienia do zakupu i stosowania danego testu zależą od jego kategorii, wyznaczonej zgodnie z kategoryzacją Komisji do Spraw Testów Psychologicznych działającej z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.
FCZ-KT(R) jest narzędziem kategorii C.
C – testy wyłącznie dla psychologów
Wymagane kwalifikacje:
- Ukończone studia magisterskie z psychologii – wymagane przedłożenie kopii dyplomu
- Osoby, które mają tytuł doktora psychologii, a nie ukończyły studiów psychologicznych, mogą kupować testy wyłącznie do celów naukowych – wymagany dyplom doktorski wraz z oświadczeniem informującym, że test będzie stosowany tylko do celów naukowych.