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The Research and Development Department of Pracownia performs scientific research connected with the adaptation, normalization, and development of new tests as well as training in psychological testing. By taking care to constantly update our offer of tools available in Poland, we cooperate with foreign partners. The most important of them are: Pearson Assessment, Hogrefe Group, Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR), Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS), Stoelting, Myers-Briggs Company (MBC), Mind Garden, Inc. (MGI), Minnesota University Press, Giunti Editore, C.P.S. Publishing LLC, Harvard University Press, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Since 2012, we have been a member of the European Test Publishers Group (ETPG). The representatives of the Research and Development Department take part in working groups of international organizations with similar aims such as EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Association).
Pracownia strives to ensure the best, world-class standards of products, to meet the needs of specialists using tests professionally, to implement ethical and professional standards of psychometric diagnosis.
These aims are achieved through: