In 1990-2006 the Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego was headed consecutively by Teresa Szustrowa, PhD, and Anna Ciechanowicz, PhD. The technical team of Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego increased gradually. It included in 2006: Aleksandra Jaworowska PhD (in Pracownia – from the beginnings), Prof. Anna Matczak (in Pracownia since 1996), Joanna Stańczak MS (in Pracownia – since 1990), Diana Fecenec MS (in Pracownia – since 1995), and Ewa Zalewska MS (in Pracownia – since 2004). A bookstore managed by Joanna Filipczuk MS was established to sell psychological books and tests.
At that time, Pracownia adapted and normalized many Polish and foreign tests. It published tests which were awaited by the practicians in the years before the activity of Pracownia; the offer of Pracownia included Wechsler’s Intelligence Scale (WAIS-R, WISC-R), all Raven’s Matrices, general ability tests for children, youth and adults, temperament and personality questionnaires, tools for job consultancy and employee selection. Reeducation programs for children with reading and writing difficulties were developed as well as programs to diagnose and treat disorders caused by central nervous system damage. Pracownia published also books about diagnostic techniques and several problems & directions of the psychological therapy. Additionally to the scientific and publishing activity, Pracownia conducted trainings about test administration and interpretation, widely acclaimed by practicians. The bookstore, organized and managed by Pracownia, became a very important and valued place in the psychological society. The diagnostic tools developed by Pracownia were purchased by pedagogical/psychological counseling centers, universities, health service, army, police, banks, state institutions, NGOs, and the group of independent psychologists, increasing steadily, and developing their own workplace. The Pracownia reinvests the income in research, also donates each year 15% of the income to help in the mandatory activity of the Polish Psychological Association.