The questionnaire diagnoses stress-coping styles.
CISS consists of 48 statements about different behaviors typical for people in distress. Subjects have to determine on a five-point scale the frequency of given behavior in stressful, difficult situations. Scores are formatted in three scales: SSZ – task-oriented style; SSE – emotion-oriented style; SSU – avoidant style. The latter can be divided into ACZ – distraction seeking, and PKT – social diversion.
- Kit (manual, key, 25 questionnaires)
- Manual
- Test sheets (25 copies)
- Key
The 4th edition of the manual includes new, updated norms for the two age groups: 25–54 years and 55–79 years. What these norms show is that persons examined now score significantly higher on the SSZ scale and significantly lower on the SSE scale than those in 2003 when the previous norms were developed.
The manual also includes valuable new knowledge on the relations between stress coping styles and:
- single or multiple personality features such as positivity (resembling optimism), sense of effectiveness or procrastination tendency,
- depression measured by the BDI-II,
- life and marriage satisfaction,
- various aspects of professional functioning: personality features important for effective professional functioning, leadership styles, professional burnout, job satisfaction and work commitment.
For research and practice, e. g. as a screening tool in some jobs (policemen, firemen, soldiers, drivers), or prior to the issuance of a firearms license.
High internal consistency of separate scales (coefficients between .78 and .90), satisfactory stability (correlations for a retest done 2–3 weeks later between .73 and .80).
Confirmed factor validity. Construct validity was examined by studying relations between stress-coping strategies and personality traits, temperamental traits, anxiety, intelligence, social competencies, and emotional intelligence. The analysis of criterion validity included comparison of CISS scores across different job and clinical groups. New validation data show, among other things, the relations between CISS scores and various aspects of professional behaviour.
Standard ten for three age groups: 16–24, 25–54 (new, updated norms), 55–79 (new, updated norms), and for draftees.
The test is also available as an online examination on the Epsilon Platform and as an option for entering and calculating scores from the paper-and-pencil version on the Epsilon Platform.
Uprawnienia do zakupu i stosowania danego testu zależą od jego kategorii, wyznaczonej zgodnie z kategoryzacją Komisji do Spraw Testów Psychologicznych działającej z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.
CISS jest narzędziem kategorii C.
C – testy wyłącznie dla psychologów
Wymagane kwalifikacje:
- Ukończone studia magisterskie z psychologii – wymagane przedłożenie kopii dyplomu
- Osoby, które mają tytuł doktora psychologii, a nie ukończyły studiów psychologicznych, mogą kupować testy wyłącznie do celów naukowych – wymagany dyplom doktorski wraz z oświadczeniem informującym, że test będzie stosowany tylko do celów naukowych.