The tool is a version of the well-known Color Trails Test (CTT), adapted for children and adolescents aged 8 to 17 years.
The CCTT™ is a neuropsychological test designed to assess various processes related to attention and executive functions, particularly purposeful searching, sustained and shifting attention, sequential information processing, and self-monitoring behavior. It also involves visuomotor abilities.
The test comprises two parts, CCTT-1 and CCTT-2, administered consecutively. Each part contains pink and yellow circles numbered 1 to 15. The examinee’s task is to connect the numbers with straight lines in ascending order. In the CCTT-2, the connections must alternate between the two colors.
The CCTT™ has four forms (K, X, Y, Z), enabling longitudinal studies. Key indicators are the times recorded separately for CCTT-1 and CCTT-2. Additionally, the evaluation includes: errors in number and color sequence, attempts to incorrectly connect stimuli followed by self-correction and whether the assistance was provided by the examiner. The calculated Interference Index indicates if the time taken to complete the CCTT-2 was extended in comparison with the CCTT-1. Approximate time required for score calculation is 10 minutes.
- Simultaneous assessment of multiple cognitive dimensions (attention, executive functions, memory, psychomotor skills)
- Short testing time
- Quick score calculation
- Norms developed on a representative Polish sample of children and adolescents.
- The kit (manual with Polish standardization, translation of the original manual, 25 test sheets for Form 1/K, 25 test sheets for Form 2/K, 25 score sheets)
- Original manual
- Polish standardization
- Test sheets K (Parts 1 and 2) (25 copies)
- Test sheets X (Parts 1 and 2) (25 copies)
- Test sheets Y (Parts 1 and 2) (25 copies)
- Test sheets Z (Parts 1 and 2) (25 copies)
- Score sheets (25 copies)
The CCTT can be used in neuropsychological assessment, individual developmental psychology evaluations, and studies involving children and adolescents with significant language difficulties. It is also applicable in scientific research.
High stability in clinical interpretation consistency was confirmed. Lower reliability indices was found out for completion times, particularly for younger participants and in the CCTT-1. In the CCTT-2, retest scores improve if the second test is conducted shortly after the first. Taking all this into account using both parts in individual assessments is recommended to enhance diagnostic validity.
Correlations with cognitive function measures and diagnostic validity confirmed through group comparisons (e.g., individuals with various brain injury locations and aetiologies).
Validity data support the developmental nature of the assessed variables, as results improve with age. CCTT scores correlate with performance on tasks involving work speed, processing speed, and working memory. Comparisons between criterion groups reveal that individuals with central nervous system (CNS) damage achieve lower scores than healthy individuals.
The Children's Color Trails™ Test has been standardized for individuals aged 8;0–17;11 (nationwide sample). Scores for basic indicators (Time in CCTT-1 and Time in CCTT-2) have been converted to three standard scales: standard scores, T-scores, and percentile ranks. Norms are unified across genders due to the absence of significant differences between boys and girls.
Uprawnienia do zakupu i stosowania danego testu zależą od jego kategorii, wyznaczonej zgodnie z kategoryzacją Komisji do Spraw Testów Psychologicznych działającej z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.
CCTT™ jest narzędziem kategorii C.
C – testy wyłącznie dla psychologów
Wymagane kwalifikacje:
- Ukończone studia magisterskie z psychologii – wymagane przedłożenie kopii dyplomu
- Osoby, które mają tytuł doktora psychologii, a nie ukończyły studiów psychologicznych, mogą kupować testy wyłącznie do celów naukowych – wymagany dyplom doktorski wraz z oświadczeniem informującym, że test będzie stosowany tylko do celów naukowych.