A test to examine visual memory and perception.
The test has three alternate, parallel versions C, D& E, which can be used to examine applying four alternate methods (A, B, C, D). The examinee draws the given patterns from memory or copies them. Polish normalization was conducted using the method A consisting in an immediate reproducing of the pattern seen before for 10 seconds from memory. The versions C, D, and E of the test were applied. The yielded results didn’t allow to consider these versions equivalent.
- Kit (manual with Polish normalization, original manual, booklet with patterns, 25 answer sheets, scoring key)
- Original manual
- Polish normalization
- Booklet with patterns
- Set of sheets (25 copies)
- Scoring key
Neuropsychological diagnosis, research.
Very high agreement of judges for two basic indices (Number of Correct Reproductions, Error Score). Diversified stability assessed on a basis of repeated examination after three weeks. Slightly high internal consistency, however higher for the clinical groups than for samples from the general population.
The following data argue for the validity of the BVRT test:
- the older the examinees the lower their scores,
- scores associated with education levels,
- significant associations with other memory assessing measures,
- significant associations with tests measuring attention and executive functions.
Moreover, the BVRT validity is proved by the results showing that persons with general neurological damages, depresssives, schizophrenics and persons with minor cognitive disorders as well as those diagnosed with dementia score significantly worse in comparison with nonpatients.
Polish norms for the population aged 5–17 and 18–79, separate for every version of the test.
Uprawnienia do zakupu i stosowania danego testu zależą od jego kategorii, wyznaczonej zgodnie z kategoryzacją Komisji do Spraw Testów Psychologicznych działającej z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.
BVRT jest narzędziem kategorii C.
C – testy wyłącznie dla psychologów
Wymagane kwalifikacje:
- Ukończone studia magisterskie z psychologii – wymagane przedłożenie kopii dyplomu
- Osoby, które mają tytuł doktora psychologii, a nie ukończyły studiów psychologicznych, mogą kupować testy wyłącznie do celów naukowych – wymagany dyplom doktorski wraz z oświadczeniem informującym, że test będzie stosowany tylko do celów naukowych.