A questionnaire to assess communication behaviors in marriage.
Two forms constitute the inventory: the first to assess own communication behaviors, the second – assessing the partner’s behaviors. Each form contains 30 items, both deal with three main communication dimensions in marriage: support, commitment, and depreciation. The first two can be additionally interpreted in a more detailed way (support or commitment oriented on the overall well-being of the partner, as well as support or commitment oriented on the specific problems of the partner). The examinee takes a stance towards each statement using five-point scale.
- Kit (manual, 50 sheets of each kind)
- Manual
- Calculation sheets – Assessment of wife’s/partner’s behaviour (50 copies)
- Calculation sheets – Assessment of husband’s/partner’s behaviour (50 copies)
- Calculation sheets – Wife’s / partner’s assessment of her own behaviour (50 copies)
- Calculation sheets – Husband’s/partner's assessment of his own behaviour (50 copies)
- Question sheets – Assessment of wife's behavior (50 copies)
- Question sheets – Assessment of husband's behavior (50 copies)
- Question sheets – Wife's assessment of her own behavior (50 copies)
- Questions sheets – Husband's assessment of his own behavior (50 copies)
* Published by AE-H, formerly Vizja Press
For psychologists investigating marriage-related problems – to diagnose weak and strong points of marital communication; for scientific research.
High indices of internal consistency.
A comparison was made concerning results of contrast groups: homosexual and heterosexual couples, couples with different duration of the relationship, correlations with a personality questionnaire and inventories assessing parental attitudes, family relations, attachment styles.
Created on a basis of results of 3396 examinees differing in age, education, marital history; standard ten, separate for women and men aged 20–60.
Uprawnienia do zakupu i stosowania danego testu zależą od jego kategorii, wyznaczonej zgodnie z kategoryzacją Komisji do Spraw Testów Psychologicznych działającej z ramienia Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.
KKM jest narzędziem kategorii C.
C – testy wyłącznie dla psychologów
Wymagane kwalifikacje:
- Ukończone studia magisterskie z psychologii – wymagane przedłożenie kopii dyplomu
- Osoby, które mają tytuł doktora psychologii, a nie ukończyły studiów psychologicznych, mogą kupować testy wyłącznie do celów naukowych – wymagany dyplom doktorski wraz z oświadczeniem informującym, że test będzie stosowany tylko do celów naukowych.