Second Edition of the TKR Manual
One minute reading Monday, December 4, 2023
We are pleased to announce that the second edition of the Parental Competence Test (TKR) manual is now available for sale.
The manual has been expanded with regards to the section on scores interpretation. However, the method itself (items, key) and norms have remained unchanged. Consequently, the worksheets and booklets have also not undergone any modifications.
The inspiration for developing the information on result interpretation was that the TKR, released just under 6 years ago, has become a widely used tool in legal matters concerning decisions on parental authority, in centers qualifying candidates for adoptive parents, in centers evaluating candidates for foster care roles, and in psychological-pedagogical counseling centers, when a possible cause of a child's problems is a lack of certain competencies in parents.
The new edition of the manual allows for a better understanding of the various possibilities that TKR offers in terms of scores interpretation.
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